
Friday, November 22, 2013

[challenge] REVIEW PILE CLEANUP for 2014

Phantasmic Reads
Need we say it?
We've all been there at one point, went a little wild, clicking on books, so sure we need to have them! Only when they come to put them aside for the next ones we just NEED to read!?

Here is a challenge to help you break that cycle! Its Review Pile Reading Challenge and its hosted by Phantasmic Reads. If you feel like joining click the button on the left.

We are aiming for 31-40 read/reviewed books (Grand Master level! Yay!)
We will use this post to track and catalog our reading progress, which means it will be updated and edited frequently.

Happy Reading!

January Reads:
1. UNHINGED by A.G. Howard [04.Jan.2014]
2. AVALON by Mindee Arnett [21.Jan.2014]
3. SECRET by Brigid Kemmerer [26.Jan.2014]
4. RED RISING by Pierce Brown [28.Jan.2014]
5. SOMETHING REAL by Heather Demetrios [31.Jan.2014]

February Reads:
6. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT by Sarah Mlynowski [17.Feb.2014]

March Reads:
7. ILLUMINATING GRACIE by Lisa C. Temple [04.Mar.2014]
8. BROKEN SKIES by Theresa Kay [19.Mar.2014]
9. RUINS by Dan Wells [29.Mar.2014]
10. CAPTIVATE ME by S.J. Pierce [31.Mar.2014]

April Reads:
11. THREE by Kristen Simmons [08.Apr.2014]

May Reads:
12. TORN AWAY by Jennifer Brown [06.May.2014]
13. BIGGEST FLIRTS by Jennifer Echols [14.May.2014]
14. DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE SERIES by Laini Taylor [16.May.2014]

14/40 books